Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unexpected Feelings

At the end of last year I was asked to direct for a student production company at my school. I begrudgingly agreed. Since then I have dreaded actually having to follow through on that commitment. However, today I was relieved of that position I was so terrified of. Instead of feeling relief, I was pretty upset. What changed? Somehow, in the few short months since originally making the commitment I have become attached to the position of director. So, instead, a friend and I are going to put up our own independent project. And this time we will get to do a project that we're really passionate about. I can do the kind of theatre that I want to do. I will create my own opportunities.

I attended a presentation by Ru and Max of Tiny Inventions the other day. Tiny Inventions is an independent animation company that is comprised of its creators, Ru and Max. They are this adorable married couple that make animated videos from their small New York apartment. In their presentation they showed an independent short film they made called Something Left, Something Taken. It took them 2 years and it was completely out of pocket. However, they did it because they wanted to create their own opportunities. It was so inspiring seeing artists creating opportunities for themselves. They also discussed artistic integrity. They had an opportunity to make a lot of money doing a project that they weren't necessarily enthusiastic about. It wasn't really the kind of project they wanted to keep doing. So, although they could have made a killing doing this project, they declined the offer so they could do what they wanted. Even though I'm not an animator, their presentation was so inspiring as an actress. So much of what they said applied to being an artist of all sorts. I know that even if I'm not hired anywhere, I can make my own artistic opportunities that will possibly bring in more jobs.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A New Year

I realize this is a bit late in coming, but I think it's always better late than never. This year, I didn't have any New Year's Resolutions. I think I was too distracted with everything going on in my life to really think about it. There are definite things I want to accomplish this year, but I'd definitely define them more as goals instead of "resolutions."

I am getting ready to graduate. This is a very scary, yet exciting time of my life. There are many new adventures and experiences ahead, yet it will be devastating to leave behind the people I love. I know that life always moves on, but I almost don't want it to. I have been happier and more confident during the past few months than I have been in a very long time. I am afraid to lose that feeling when I leave my home. I don't know if that feeling will go away, but the mere possibility leaves me troubled.

I am in a scene right now from the play Anatomy of Gray. There is a line that says, "I've always thought of home as the people." This is how I've always felt. My home has always been with the people I love and the experiences I've shared with them, instead of any one physical location. Perhaps that's the reason I've always been afraid of change. When I graduated high school I couldn't wait to leave. I had outgrown my small hometown. However, as excited as I was to get out, I was sad to leave my friends. Since then, I have found a new home with my new friends. These people in my life have changed me, mostly for the better. I am so grateful for their friendships and their love. I know that wherever I go, I will continue to find new friends and new homes, but it's scary.

I've been doing a lot of research on auditions lately. I've been looking at so many places-- Massachusetts, Chicago, California, Virginia, Ohio-- and with each place this one thought keeps coming back to me, stirring up a whole contradiction of emotions: "I could be living here in a few short months." I feel like there are two halves of me-- one that wants to get on a plane right now and embark on the next great adventure, and one that is clinging onto her current life by her fingernails, leaving scratch marks on the floor. Perhaps I will feel differently once I actually know where I will be going. Honestly, if it weren't for one special person in my life, I would be much more enthusiastic to leave. I'm afraid of losing him.

This picture is the perfect representation of how I feel at the moment. I feel like I'm in a fog, not sure where to go. This picture is called Nowhere Man. Here is the link to the photo: