Friday, July 23, 2010

I love having friends who are artists. I have so many talented friends and they all have talents in different areas. Most of my friends are involved in the theatre arts, but I have many friends who are artists in other aspects as well. I just love seeing people create. A group of my friends and I are trying to start our own theatre company. Even though we're just in beginning discussions, we've begun to realize that we have so many complimentary talents. We have a producer, directors, costumers, actors, publicity/marketing people, writers, etc. We pretty much have everything you need to start a theatre company, and on top of that we are very resourceful people. I have faith that we can do anything we set our minds on! It's amazing how God puts people in our lives to help us fulfill a purpose. I know that art can change someone's life, and that's the kind of theatre we want to do. Theatre that makes one think, makes one change. And every day I realize how amazing it is that I have friends who are changing the world one piece of art at a time. My friends are super heroes as far as I'm concerned.

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