I am not a writer, by any one's standards. However, I have always been curious about blogging and thought that the New Year would be a perfect time to start one. I'm not really expecting anyone to actually read this, but it doesn't matter. I am doing this purely for myself as a place to be able to put down thoughts, ideas, and struggles related to art as they come to me.
I have always loved creating art of all different forms. As a little girl I always loved drawing, and I started acting at the age of 7. Throughout Jr. High and High school I decided that acting was my true passion in life and became a theater major in college. That is where you find me now... a Bachelor of Fine Arts candidate with an emphasis in Classical Acting. I love it. My entire life pretty much surrounds acting. That being said, I recently realized I need other hobbies. I think I need an escape from acting. I think everyone needs an escape from their chosen profession every once in a while, no matter how much they love it. So, for this new year I have several New Year's resolutions and they all pertain to art. Most of them are things I want to do to work on my acting, but some of them are just about becoming more cultured in my knowledge and understanding of all forms of art. So here they are. My New Year's Resolutions for 2010:
1. Become a more versatile actor. This one started after a friend and I were talking about Meryl Streep and how she is a chameleon. She is so versatile that she can pretty much play any role. There are other actors that achieve this versatility too, such as Stanley Tucci, Cate Blanchett, and others. To achieve this goal, I am going to work on neutralizing my own habits as an actor and I am going to work on pieces that go against my "type".
2. I am going to familiarize myself with famous classical composers, and have a better knowledge of art history. When I was a child, probably about 5 or 6, my mom would play a game with me. We would hear a piece of classical music and she would ask me who the composer was. I could usually tell her. I have completely lost this talent. However, I am going to gain it back by listening to a different composer every week. I will also study famous pieces of art and start to learn about different painters, and art styles, as well as learning the different periods of art.
3. I will work on perfecting my Standard American accent, and relearning IPA.
4. I am going to get certified in Stage Combat. It is something that has always interested me, and it is also a good thing to put on a resume.
5. I am going to read every Shakespeare play. I love Shakespeare, but I discovered that I haven't actually read or seen a lot of his plays. I don't think I'll be able to get through this goal in one year, but I have 3 plays I'm going to start with (a comedy, a tragedy, and a history): Henry VI: Part 1, Titus Andronicus, and The Winter's Tale.
6. My best friend and I are going to start making a dent in watching all of the Oscar winners for Best Picture. And last but not least,
7. I am going to continue working on my newest hobby: drawing and painting. Toward the end of 2009 I decided I wanted to be a better artist and I have started illustrating many different things. So I guess it doesn't really count as an New Year's Resolution since I've already started working on it, but it's still a goal for the year.
Well, I suppose that's it for my first post. A lot of things to work on this year, but I'm very excited to see what each new thing will bring. Happy New Year!